Frequently Asked Questions

Is “Fitz” your real name?




Oh, cool! So, what do you do when you’re not writing?

A LOT of acrobatics. I stumbled my way into an acroyoga class a few years back and it’s been a (mostly) healthy addiction ever since. If I’m not balancing on someone else’s feet, then you can find me gardening, making tea, or shaking it in the woods with a bunch of lasers and wonderful people.

Where can I buy your books?

My debut novel is no longer available, as its publisher has since gone under. More on that drama over here. That said, I intend to rehome its rights when the time is right. All future work will be promoted here as publish dates are released.

Can we… be friends?

As long as you’re not a jerk to me or others, then heck yeah! Let’s connect!